Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Walter Melon's Eating Champion Event

There's a new event in TinierMe, finally! Hooray!

All you have to do is find Stan and Walter in Selfy town!

click me!

You can find Stan in Shallow Beach. The upper part of the beach.
Go to the 'You Are Here' Part of the town.
Then, hover over him and click 'Yes' to get your watermelon piece!

Once you take the piece, you won't be able to take another for one hour.

Then, let's find Walter in Fountain Square 2.

Hover over him and click the 'YES' option and you'll give the piece to Walter.

Once you've given Walter 50 or 100 piece, you can exchange them for the prizes below.

Personally, i think this is a waste of time...

Well, happy watermelon-hunting, everyone!


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